Video explaining how this is done

My Discord:

1 – Distant System – Gravitational vortices
2 – Julian Sanza – Slowburner


  1. could you do an update video on how to control atleast 2 tanks, because
    when I go to play on internet explorer, it wont work its just a black page.
    im not sure if it would work for google chrome.

  2. This is how you dominate a server. You multibox ten tanks and then destroy
    everything. I wonder how well these guys would do against Arena Closers.
    Also, we need to see a multibox with Dominators in Sandbox.

  3. eu te desafio vou te procurar em todos os servidores….quero ver vc matar
    meu hibryd, pode ate matar mas levo uns 7 robozinhos seus;

  4. staying out of the fair/unfair debate, what kind of hardware does your
    computer have to be able to run 10 VMs, each displaying 80 drones onscreen
    + countless bullets, or the bullet wall of 11 factories on many VMs


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