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  1. Hey, there I am at 0:47! You can just barely see my name poking out of the
    pile of tanks. 😛

    Also, I *may* have been involved in the one at 0:59… LMFAO at all the
    crap we were writing with the tank names. We are so immature, hahahaha xD.

  2. I know dude its obvious its a joke, but master ov does not have clickbait i
    find most of his videos if not all never clickbait and really hard work
    edited videos so you can think all you want about him but i will think
    different. But still funny video :)

  3. Just because he stops playing it does not mean he got banned, maybe it was
    just dying out like other youtube channels just dont post some things

  4. And first of all [MG] will win you can think otherwise. And whatever you
    say will not change my mind, we both have different opinions lets keep it
    that way. Funny video end of story.

  5. Look as i said, we have different opinions, lets respect our opinions, that
    all we can do until the war tomorrow which will answer the question who
    will win


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