TWITTER: is a Multi-player action game similar to the likes of and . In Gameplay you control a tank with the goal of destroying other tanks/players in the server. Along the map there are shapes which can be farmed in order to reach Max Level 45. You receive Upgrades i.e. max health, health regeneration, body damage, bullet speed, bullet penetration, bullet damage, reload, and movement speed. A Max Level Tank will be much more powerful than a basic tank. best tank and Best Build is up for debate. As they buff and nerf tanks on a normal basis.
There are currently 4 different game modes: Free For All (FFA), Team Deathmatch (TDM), Domination and Mothership. The Arena Closers come to close when games end.
The current tanks and classes –
Machine Gun, Gunner, Destroyer, Hybrid, Sprayer
Sniper, Assassin, Ranger, Hunter, X Hunter, Predator, Stalker
Overseer, Overlord, Necromancer, Manager
Smasher, Mega Smasher, Landmine
Twin, Triple Shot, Triplet, Penta Shot, Triple Twin
Flank Guard, Quad Tank, Octo Tank, Tri Angle, Booster, Fighter
Trapper, Overtrapper, Gunner Trapper, Tri-Trapper, Mega Trapper
New Updates are out on a regular basis to allow for an ultimate experience and keeping things fresh! If you enjoyed be sure to subscribe for more Gameplay, Trolling, Funny Moments, and World Record High Scores!!
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