This is the second level 15 class that I have used to achieve a turnaround. I always attempt to do a 4-Team Deathmatch turnaround. If I can’t, I switch to 2-Team Deathmatch. There was a lot of teamwork involved here, especially with “Turmio”, who was a really good teammate around me. We still helped other players on our team, but we mostly helped each other, we were that loyal as teammates.

Build: 0/0/0/7/7/7/7/5

Free Songs to use:
Silent Partner – Outlet (Track 1)
Ethan Meixsell – Gut Check (Track 2)
Jingle Punks – Burnt (Track 3)

Other music from Epidemic Sound ( (Track 4-8)


  1. usually to do a turnaround a wait for a boss to spawn , they can sometime
    do some cleaning in the enenmy team aswell as occupying them wich give a
    small window to level up and wreck some shit out of you enemies ass

  2. i may have a good build for you , trust me it rocks for pushing back the
    Max bullet damage/penetrion
    2bullet speed
    2health regen
    3max health
    and the rest in movement speed , so you can catch runners :]


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