✖ Gameplay by Critic: http://bit.ly/1WQFsZI ✖
✖ Gameplay by Polle: http://bit.ly/2auM9iu ✖

Our TeamSpeak: ts.teamwanted.net
Please use our Tag to help us!: ༄ⓦ | (Name)

▼ Wanted ✖ Leaders ▼
✖ Caze: http://bit.ly/22bZOwx
✖ Tigar: http://bit.ly/1NPsK54

▼ Wanted ✖ Co-Leaders ▼
✖ Jucksy: http://bit.ly/28J6trG
✖ Critic: http://bit.ly/1WQFsZI

▼ Wanted ✖ Clan ▼
✖ Avonta: http://bit.ly/1KdcFZq
✖ NitrousXP: http://bit.ly/1occ55C
✖ Dragon: http://bit.ly/28N2xpK
✖ Cat: http://bit.ly/29tGtWO
✖ Panda: http://bit.ly/21Ys72G
✖ Risky: http://bit.ly/29WdBTL
✖ Aekara: http://bit.ly/1oQQnVj
✖ Blade: http://bit.ly/28XKZYT
✖ Unreal: http://bit.ly/1W0oeJ6
✖ Marzy: http://bit.ly/2a6YxmR
✖ Deni: http://bit.ly/2ajq8Vb
✖ Magical: http://bit.ly/1XFp37Q
✖ Splash: http://bit.ly/1UcPlL0
✖ Spell: http://bit.ly/1tq0frr
✖ Apex: http://bit.ly/2auWegG
✖ Agarcher: http://bit.ly/2apOevD
✖ JFork: http://bit.ly/2aArmZJ
✖ Lightr: http://bit.ly/28Jfj9z
✖ Derpy: http://bit.ly/25NJszC
✖ RarePlays: http://bit.ly/28K7pPm
✖ PatZ: http://bit.ly/28Lk8z3
✖ Flamez: http://bit.ly/22RTRDG
✖ Gravity: http://bit.ly/1sotn1u
✖ Yakuza: http://bit.ly/22gHYc3
✖ Cryptic: http://bit.ly/1S7nvhN

▼ Wanted ✖ Designers ▼
✖ Proxec: http://bit.ly/1GohEiE
✖ Aryojj: http://bit.ly/28MqX90

▼♫ Music ✖ Used ♫▼

✖ NCS: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyri…

✖ Free Songs To Use: https://www.youtube.com/user/FreeSong…

✖ Goblins From Mars: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7r8…


  1. Hi i’m storm i am a member of thc clan if u know it,the leader(meth)will
    probably join fab clan so i want ask you if someone can test me because i’m
    not pro at edits contact me please on skype: francesco.bonadeo3

  2. il repot this video forr taemnig bcuas teamgn is rlyy bad bcus it maks
    poepl griedy an makes thm hate ohters for no resin..REMve cideo or rport!!


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